5 Holiday Content Ideas For Your Business

The holidays are just around the corner, making it the perfect time to get creative with your marketing content. Themed content can help you better connect with your audience, driving engagement and boosting conversions. Here are 5 holiday content ideas to make this season one to remember:


The holiday season is all about anticipation. Connect with your audience and build anticipation for your brand through countdown campaigns. These campaigns could include a “12 Days of Deals” or a daily holiday Reels series. Countdown campaigns keep your audience engaged and encourage them to return to your platform, increasing your brand awareness and the potential for conversions. 


The holidays are perfect opportunities to educate your audience through tips and tricks related to the holiday season. If you’re consumer-facing, you can share recipes, decorations, or gift-giving ideas. If your business is B2B, you can share tips for office decorating, holiday safety, or your own holiday content ideas. Holiday how-tos are great ways to showcase your own expertise and services while creating shareable content. 


Encourage engagement with your brand by hosting user-generated content contests. Ask your audience to share festive photos, videos, or testimonials of their experiences with your products and services. These contests create excitement and valuable content for your brand, strengthening overall brand awareness and community engagement. 


Whether you’re a small to midsize business or a large corporation, your community is everything. The holidays are the perfect time to cultivate stronger relationships by sharing pictures of special events, office decorations, and the people in your community. Celebrating your community and thanking them for their support creates better connections and helps create forever-customer relationships.


The holiday season is a time of connection and nostalgia. Your brand is more than just your product or service—share your business’s journey, providing behind-the-scenes content about the people and actions behind the brand. Storytelling humanizes your business and builds a stronger connection with your audience.

The holiday season offers so many opportunities for your business to engage with its audience in creative ways. Try these content ideas and boost your brand's visibility and sales while creating memorable and enjoyable experiences for your customers. Don’t know where to get started? Our team is here to answer any of your questions. Fill out our contact form if you’d like to chat!


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